Thursday, August 30, 2007

Packing, packing oh how I love packing

One never really knows exactly how much stuff they own until they begin to pack it. I've been spending my free time packing up my things into boxes. This means taking things off of the walls, raiding the kitchen for all supplies with my name on them, cleaning out the dvd cabinet. You all know what it's like. Somehow I feel like I have too many things, yet I'm not planning on getting rid of anything. I am even renting a truck so that I can take it all to Nashville with me.

The more I pack, the more I start to realize that yes, I am moving. That means leaving community and familiarity behind for something new and completely unknown. I was pretty confident about this last week, but with only one week to go - my nerves are kicking in. However, it helps when I give myself a pep-talk.

"Kyla, the timing is right. Many pieces of the puzzle are fitting together. God is great and has taken care of the details. Your friends will still keep in touch. This is a new adventure that has been already blessed. Have fun with it!"

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