Monday, April 7, 2008

I heart DC

Last week I revisited my old stomping grounds for a LASP reunion. Before I left, I was concerned that I wouldn't return to Nashville. And my first two days in the capital city kept me thinking the same.

Then I remembered, I left DC in pursuit of something it couldn't offer. The south!

My time there was full of incredible conversations. Reuniting with LASP friends gave us time to hear what the others have been doing with their lives in the last 4 years, and encourage one another as we pursue our individual careers and life callings. It didn't hurt that I gave them my "bus tour" of DC and we saw nearly the entire city in one day. That was a great feeling for me, seeing old places that were so important to me. It was as if, stop by stop, I could let them go from my mind. I had been holding on to the city and my community so tightly, that I couldn't move forward in Nashville. Now I know that I love my community there, and they will always be there, but as my dear friend told me before I left "I have community in Nashville, too".

I spent some precious time with my close friends from the city, including my mentor the lovely Margery and my old housies. I even had time to spend with my favorite neighbors, the lady in the Tienda Latina, and to take a photo with my cashier at Safeway!

The conversations reminded me and empowered me to continue pursuing what I came to Nashville to pursue. I am applying for jobs like a mad woman (my best friend is editing my cover letter as I type this), spending quality time with community, attempting to spend more time with family, and loving Jesus. Overall, the trip left me feeling refreshed and motivated.

I'll post pictures once I get them. Thanks for letting me share!

1 comment:

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

YAY! It was great to see you dearie.

Today is Laurens' birthday. Hop a plane and come to Old Ebbits' Grill with us, ok? :)