Saturday, May 31, 2008

What is Poverty?

Is poverty a state of being, a state of mind, or a combination of the two?
I've been thinking more about poverty recently, as I'm realizing more and more my financial state of, well, not having a lot to live off of.
I see how easy it is to sacrifice beliefs, wants, ideas, and dreams just because life gets in the way. There are a lot of dreams in Nashville, but also bills that have to be paid. If I don't want to live on the street, I have to have a job that pays enough for rent, college loans, groceries, and transportation. That requires some sacrifices I never thought that I would be willing to make. This has made a huge impact in my experience in Nashville. What I'm finding, is that I'm not alone. There are many who live here who are experiencing the same thing. What makes me think I'm the only one?
To add a little fun to the question and the thought process, check out the map and website below.

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