Friday, September 5, 2008


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When I met my new friend, Eric, he asked me what my name meant. I gave him the same answer I've always given. "It's from the Bible. 1 Samuel. David saves the city of Kyla".

Everyone has always been okay with that answer. But no, not Eric.
"A biblical name. That's cool. Where is the city of Kyla?"


You'd think by now someone would have asked me that. But nope. And I've never thought about it, either. An Old Testament city. End of statement. End of thought.

Eric, being the cool guy that he is, encouraged me to do some research. So I skipped writing the grad school essay after lunch and did just that. I love the internet.

Apparently, it's located in Israel/Palestine, somewhere in between the cities of Beersheba and Hebron. That's not very specific, but hey -I'll take it. There are several descriptions of where it is located, but that research isn't happening today. Let me know if you are an expert in the area and can draw a map. For now, Maps.Google is going to have to suffice.


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

No way! That is awesome! I had no idea. I like the spelling of the original too.

Have a great weekend, Kyla girl. Feel like coming up on the 13th for Craft days at Mt. Vernon? Our treat? C'mon....puh lease...

Kyla Joy said...

If you zoom out you can actually see the map...I had a little difficulty putting the map on my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I can't help you much on any of your grad papers...but I'm giving you an 'A' for your excellent geography effort! Job well done!!