Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend Recap

Psalm 33

22 May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.

That verse is a perfect reflection of what I'm feeling right now. A greater understanding of the Lord's unfailing love. Resting in and hoping in Him.

I had an incredible weekend. So great, that I couldn't fall asleep last night. Which then caused me to oversleep this morning. Since I was late to work (and tired), I'm feeling stressed about the week. This verse is going to give me hope and rest throughout the day.

Now let me tell you about my weekend!

Friday: Dinner & Discussion group. Topic: War & Peace. A fantastic discussion full of agreements and disagreements, challenging thoughts and encouragement. I love this community.

Saturday: Are you ready to hear about this amazing day?

After sleeping in (such a simple pleasure) I enjoyed breakfast at Athens with my friend, Scott. We then ventured to the lake for an afternoon of friends and watersports. Yes, I am now in pain from failed attempts at wakeboarding.

I left the lake and went home to get ready for a date. We went to Italia, a local pizza place for their tasty White Pizza. And I just must say, that the pizza was delicious but the company was wonderful. I wish I could tell you more, but I prefer to keep those details to myself! All you need to know is that I can't wait to go out with him again.

Moving on. After that fantastic memory, I enjoyed swing dancing in the park. For the first time in my life, I entered a swing dance competition. My dear friend and excellent dancing partner, Luke, and I danced to the final round for a 3rd place finish. Really, could this day get any better?

Sunday: I spent the morning helping Adam pack up his house so that he can move 2 blocks away to his new pad. We enjoyed a great lunch at Batter'd & Fried (Jared- they have Ceviche!). Later I enjoyed catching up with Sarah about her recent bike trip to Ireland, then off to worship with the City Church community. The day ended on a double-date with my roommate at Sunset Grill.

The only thing that could have made this weekend more perfect was if it had taken place in the Caribbean!

1 comment:

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

GIRRRRL! I am so envious! What FUN! What adventures...